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Frequently Asked Questions


There are three possible reasons why you might be stuck on a quiz page:

  • Unwatched Video: Some quizzes may require you to watch a video before you can proceed as they have some of the answers to the quiz in them. Make sure you've watched the entire video on the quiz page before trying to move forward.
  • Unopened guidelines: Some quizzes may require you to open the Guidelines/student resource manual before proceeding to the next page. This can be found as a blue hyperlink at the top of the quiz page.
  • Unanswered Questions: Double-check that you've answered all the questions on the current page. Look for a visual cue like the "Next" button changing colour from blue to red. A blue button indicates there are unanswered questions or unwatched video/guidelines while a red button signifies you're ready to move on.

If you've addressed all points and the quiz still isn't progressing feel free to contact us for further assistance.

The student manual and course manuals are found under the student resources tab at the top of every page. Navigate to the black bar at the top of the website and click student resources then your relevant course manual.
The bar at the top of the quiz page is a progress bar, not a score bar. It simply shows you how far you are through the quiz. Don't worry your score will be calculated at the end. Students mistakenly think it reflects their score but rest assured it's just there to help you pace yourself and see how much of the quiz you've completed.
Course Questions

The approximate course duration can be found in the table below:

CourseOnline ComponentFace to Face component
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)1-2 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.1-hour face-to-face assessment.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid (includes CPR)2-4 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.4-hour face-to-face assessment.
HLTAID012 First Aid in an Education & Care Setting (includes First Aid and CPR)2-4 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.4-hour face-to-face assessment.
HLTAID014 Advanced First Aid (includes First Aid and CPR)4-5 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.6-hour face-to-face assessment.
HLTAID015 Advanced Resuscitation & Oxygen Therapy (includes CPR)2-4 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.2.5-hour face-to-face assessment.
UETDRMP007 - Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel (includes CPR)1-2 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.2-hour face-to-face assessment.
HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely1-2 hours self-paced study and Theory Quiz.1-hour face-to-face assessment.
  • A pen
  • A notebook if you wish to take notes.
  • A water bottle if you require.
  • Comfortable and suitable attire that allows performance of a practical assessment.
  • Fully enclosed shoes must be worn at all times of the course.
  • Your manual if completing MHFA blended course.
Comfortable casual clothing is recommended to participate in activities such as bending, kneeling, and lying on the floor. Enclosed footwear is mandatory.
Once you have enrolled in a course with us, you can find your Pre-Course Theory Quiz under the tab β€œMy Enrolled courses” at the top of the page. Once you have navigated to My Enrolled courses, click the button of the course you wish to complete, then on the blue take quiz button.
We offer same day certificates. You will have your certificate by 10pm on the night of your course. If you have not received it in your email, please log into your Pulsestart account and click on the profile tab where your certificate sits for you to download it anytime.

The expiry date is on your certificate, but each qualification lasts as per the below:

  • CPR HLTAID009 – 12 months (annual refresher)
  • Provide First Aid HLTAID011 – 3 Years
  • Provide First Aid in Education and Care Setting HLTAID012 – 3 Years
  • Advanced First Aid HLTAID014 – 3 Years
  • Advanced Resuscitation HLTAID015 – 12 months (annual refresher)
  • Conduct Manual Tasks Safely HLTWHS005 – 12 months (annual refresher)
  • Low Voltage Resuscitation UETDRMP007 – 12 months (annual refresher)
Yes, Provide First Aid (HLTAID011) does include CPR training (HLTAID009). You can also opt to only complete HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation which on completion you will become proficient in providing CPR only.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid includes CPR as a component. Unfortunately students cannot complete a First Aid course without completing the CPR component as it is updated yearly.
HLTAID011 Provide First aid includes CPR as a component. Unfortunately students cannot complete a First Aid training course without the CPR component as it is updated yearly.
Registration & Booking
A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a government requirement for anyone completing any Nationally Recognised First Aid Training since 2015. If you do not have a USI and have not completed any nationally recognised course, one can be obtained from If you do have a USI but can't remember it, it can be obtained by navigating to
Yes. You will be required to provide your USI number on enrolment. The Federal Government now requires all students to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to obtain a certificate or qualification when undertaking nationally recognised training courses.
Your USI can come back as invalid during account creation if you have entered the wrong information. Please ensure that the correct letters and numbers are entered when inputting your USI. Another reason your USI may say invalid during account creation is if the USI is already in the Pulsestart System. This is most likely due to a participant already having an account with us under a different email address. If problems still persist, please contact 0416 888 343 during business hours. You can check and change the information attached to your USI at the following;

We understand situations may arise that require you to cancel your course enrolment.

  • Cancellation process: To cancel your course you must submit a written cancellation request via email to with details of your cancellation including your name and course information.
  • Cancellation Fees: A $10 cancellation fee applies to all course cancellations. Cancellations made within 7 days of the course date will forfeit the full course fee. (See terms and conditions).

Yes, but…

As per the terms and conditions we require 7 days’ notice to change your course date. Please email with the details of your current course and the details of the course you would like to be transferred to (the new course must have spots available in it and not already be full). We are unable to move participants to courses that are already full.

You must be 15 years of age to complete any Nationally Recognised Training course with Pulsestart Training Solutions with the exception of Mental Health First Aid Courses that require all attendees to be over the age of 18.

This is a Nationally Recognised Training Course Practical Assessment and you must attend the entire assessment!

If you are late and the course has already started you will be refused entry and forfeit your course fee as per the terms and conditions you agreed to when you registered for your course. If you are late you will not be transferred to another course; you will have to re-book online and pay again!

Please assume there will be an accident on the motorway or public transport is running late, however if for any reason you are running late please contact our Office on 0416 888 343 before your course start time.

We encourage all participants attending a course at the Griffith University campuses to familiarise themselves with campus maps found here;

This is because Griffith University courses are subsidised at some venues by the Student Resource Council (SRC). Because of this, only students who attend that campus (e.g., Nathan, Logan, Mt Gravatt, Sunshine, and Digital) are eligible for the subsidy. This is a rule enforced by Griffith University.
This is because Griffith University courses are subsidised at some venues by the Student Resource Council (SRC). Because of this, only students who attend that campus (e.g., Nathan, Logan, Mt Gravatt, Sunshine, and Digital) are eligible for the subsidy and therefore eligible to register for the subsidised courses. This is a rule enforced by Griffith University SRC.
We encourage all participants attending a course at the Griffith University campuses to download the Griffith University app or familiarise yourself with campus maps found here;, then click on the relevant campus.